太久不用 C++ 了,竟然连最基本的东西都记不清楚了。今天干活的时候突然想要用指针常量,但突然就忘了指针常量跟常量指针的区别。花了一点儿时间仔细回想了一下几年前上课时老师讲的,总算又回忆起来了,赶紧记录下来备忘。
我觉得容易混淆的罪魁祸首在于中文的翻译问题,如果改叫“常量的指针”和“指针常量”可能会好些。先不管这些,看看英文的叫法:Pointer to Const 和 Const Pointer。
Pointer to
Const,顾名思义就是一个指针,指向的数据不能被修改,C++ 语法是 int const* ptr
Pointer,也是个指针,但这个指针的值不能被修改(不能再指向其他地方),C++ 语法是 int* const ptr
可见 const 修饰的是它右边紧邻的元素,如果右边是指针 *,就表明指针指向的是常量,不能被修改;如果右边是变量,就变明这个变量自身不能被修改。
下面这段 C++ 程序示意了两种指针的区别,其中被注释掉的两行(高亮显示)是因为会无法编译。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | int a1 = 1;
int b1 = 2;
int c1 = 3;
int* pointer = &a1;
int const* pointerToConst = &b1;
int* const constPointer = &c1;
int a2 = 10;
int b2 = 20;
int c2 = 30;
pointer = &a2;
pointerToConst = &b2;
//constPointer = &c2; // the pointer cannot be moved
*pointer += 100;
//*pointerToConst += 100; // the pointed data cannot be changed
*constPointer += 100;
cout << "*pointer = " << *pointer << "\n"
<< "*pointerToConst = " << *pointerToConst << "\n"
<< "*constPointer = " << *constPointer << endl;
1 2 3 | *pointer = 110
*pointerToConst = 20
*constPointer = 103
对英文名称理解清楚了,记不记中文名字也就无所谓了吧。我的记忆方法就是“Pointer to Const”翻译为“常量的指针”,简称“常量指针”;“Const Pointer”翻译为“指针常量”。
最后简单总结一下跟 const 相关的变量的写法:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | int a = 0;
int b = 1;
// An int that cannot be changed.
const int constNumber_1 = a;
int const constNumber_2 = a;
//constNumber_1 = 10;
// A pointer that can be repointed to an int that cannot be changed.
const int* pointerToConst_1 = &a;
int const* pointerToConst_2 = &a;
pointerToConst_1 = &b;
//*pointerToConst_1 = 10;
// A pointer that cannot be moved to an integer that may be changed.
int* const constPointer = &a;
//constPointer = &b;
*constPointer = 10;
// A pointer that cannot be moved to an integer that cannot be changed.
const int* const constPointerToConst_1 = &a;
int const* const constPointerToConst_2 = &a;
//constPointerToConst_1 = &b;
//*constPointerToConst_1 = 10;
// Error, const applied to int twice.
// (warning C4114: same type qualifier used more than once).
const int const* pointerToTwiceConst = &a;
pointerToTwiceConst = &b;
//*pointerToTwiceConst = 10;
// A pointer that may be repointed. It points to a pointer that cannot be moved to
// an int that may be modified.
int* pa = &a;
int* const* pointerToConstPointer = &pa;
int* pb = &b;
pointerToConstPointer = &pb;
//*pointerToConstPointer = pb;
**pointerToConstPointer = 10;
So what do you think? Did I miss something? Is any part unclear? Leave your comments below.